By TranformME Weight Loss and Wellness

We’ve all have suffered from terrible aches and pains in our bodies, even if it’s just a headache. What do you do for this pain? Most of us pop an Advil or a Tylenol. Then we feel okay right? But are these medications truly fixing the problem or is it just masking it? Let’s take a look.

The term that refers to treatments such as medications, antibiotics, chemotherapy, etc. is Allopathy. The majority of the time when we are having symptoms we use these treatments and experience some relief. The issue is that the problem could still be there and there is a great chance that the symptoms may come back. Allopathy addresses the symptom rather than the root of the problem. For example, you take a Tylenol to diminish a headache but the Tylenol does not go to the root of why you are experiencing the headache. The Tylenol just “masks” the symptom. Another example are blood pressure medications. Blood pressure medications control your blood pressure but it does not go to the heart to help it become healthier. You still have an issue with your blood pressure.

So how do we go about fixing the actual issue at hand? Let’s talk about the term Homeopathy.

Homeopathy or Homeopathic medicine was discovered by doctor Samuel Hahnemann. He designed this method because he was tired of the allopathic approach. Homeopathy is an alternative practice that takes a more natural approach. They do not involve chemicals to keep your body functioning in tip top condition. This will stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms and will allow you to be able to spot the actual root of the problem. Homeopathic medicine stimulates from plants, animals, and mineral. Red onion, crushed insects such as bees, and poison ivy are some of the more common sources of homeopathic medicine.

We encourage you to speak with health care provider if you are experiencing any symptoms that have progressed over time but to also do a self-check in with your own body. If this is something that you need support with consider attending our seminar that we hold on Thursdays and signing on to our 2030 Fast Track program.

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